Monday, March 12, 2007

Introducing montrealligator

I want this blog to be chock full of shitty art projects. I'm going to add every idea I can to this page, and I'd like people to link their really amature, preferably kindergarden to grade 7 ideas on here. Obviously, not all of us can make shitty art, so those of you that make real art, add that on here too, because I will if you don't. I especially want to include the art and music from my friends, because friendart is the best kind. I'm also going to talk a lot on here about things that need to change in this city and outside of it. Join in! This blog is a conversation.


Jonathan said...


Jazzy said...

So far I love your blog! You should consider writing an article on craft nights at the cock n' balls.

Anonymous said...

i made (knit) an ipod holder. it's quite shitty but it was fast to make. and it looks a bit disco. does that sound like the kinds of contribution you are looking for? great idea for a blog, btw!

sarah said...

yesss! ari! that sounds great. do you have a photo of it to send me??

sandy said...

HAHAHA!! i love it! you + art + a gator = <3!!

personally, i love trying to pass off my grade school talents at art school.